
For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 the Data Controller for this website is Appliance Electronics Ltd  52a Harrison Street, Walsall, WS3 3HW. The privacy and security of our customers is important to us. This privacy policy explains how we use the information we collect about you, how you can instruct us if you prefer to limit the use of that information, and the procedures that we have in place to safeguard your privacy.

What personal information do we collect about you?

Data collected by this site is used to:

  • Receive and fulfill customer orders
  • Administer and improve the site and service
  • Disclose information to third-parties for delivery purposes and extended warranties (Domestic & General).

We will ask you for certain information to enable us to provide our services to you via either telephone, e-mail, written correspondence or via our website. We may ask you for information including your name, address, contact telephone numbers, email address and any delivery instructions or shipping information. We may also ask you for other information that relates to the products you are ordering and request your email address or mailing address for the purposes of adding you to our mailing list.

We will not send you email that you have not agreed to receive. If you are a member of our mailing list, you will be contacted occasionally with details of special offers, new products or services. You have the option of 'unsubscribing' from our mailing list at any time, thereby disabling any further such email communication from being sent to you.

What personal information do we collect about you from other companies and organisations?

We do not collect any personal information about you from other companies and organisations.

Controlling your personal information

You may at anytime unsubscribe from any newsletters or mailing list emails by following the unsubscribe link on the emails or unticking the subscribe to mailing list box under your account details when logged into the site.

If you require us to provide you with you the information that is held by us or you wish to correct, block or delete any data, then please write to the Data Protection Officer at Appliance Electronics Ltd, 52a Harrison Street, Walsall, WS3 3HW. We shall endeavour to provide the requested information within 30 working days.
If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible, at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect. Alternatively use your account login on the website to make amendments to the information stored such as names, addresses and email.

How we use cookies
A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Cookies are perfectly safe to be stored on your computer and almost all web browsers have cookie storing enabled as default. However, all browsers have the option of disabling cookies being stored on your computer if you wish to do this. Please note that disabling all cookies would reduce your ability to shop online at Appliance Electronics as we use cookies to store and process items in your shopping basket so disabling cookies would mean you could not purchase directly through the site.
We also use cookies for web analytics which is software that that helps us to monitor visitor information such as browser usage and visitor numbers that helps us improve the site and does not contain any personal information.


This site uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption from Starfield to encrypt any personal information you enter onto the site. Whilst we have policies, rules and measures in place and try to take all reasonable steps to safeguard your personal information, Appliance Electronics cannot guarantee the security of any information you provide online.

All Credit / Debit card details are handled, processed and stored by SagePay a third party online payment gateway and are not collected or stored by the website.

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